Pv Ledoux

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Get Channels

ExpressionEngine 2

Returns a list of channels. Includes a parameter listing all channels to which a logged in member has access.

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ExpressionEngine 2

This plugin auto-increments itself on each call.

Nice Time

ExpressionEngine 2

This plugin converts a date in relative time. It will output 'now' if the date given is less then 5 seconds ago, 'xx unit ago' will be outputted for longer intervals (where unit will be seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks). If the date is greater than 4 weeks, it will return the full date formatted with the parameter format.

Pvl Check If

ExpressionEngine 2

Check if a value is in a list (default separator: |) or if it isn't. You can now also check if a value is contains within an other (with the contains parameter, see examples below). This plugin can also check if a module or extension is installed.

Pvl PathInfo

ExpressionEngine 2

This plugin runs the PHP pathinfo() function on a given path parameter.

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ExpressionEngine 2

Select2 for ExpressionEngine is a user-friendly select box fieldtype (single or multi-select) with support for plain text options or SQL query and allows you to search in the option list.