
Category: Tutorials (9)

Adventures in Updating an ExpressionEngine Plugin from 1.6.8 to 2.0

Adventures in Updating an ExpressionEngine Plugin from 1.6.8 to 2.0

01.21.10 by Jacob Russell

You’re developing a site in ExpressionEngine 2.0 and need a plugin that only has a 1.6.8 version. You could wait for the developer to update it, which could take months and might never happen. On the other hand if you’re willing to get your hands dirty you can try updating it yourself. We’ll tell you how, and it’s not as hard as you think!

Give Your Client More Control by Utilizing a Single-Entry Structural Channel

Give Your Client More Control by Utilizing a Single-Entry Structural Channel

11.09.09 by Ryan Masuga

Make use of a “structural” weblog/channel that contains only one entry, where each custom field controls some aspect of the site. Then give your users easy access to these controls by linking directly to the entry from a link at the top of your control panel.

Version Control for ExpressionEngine Using Git (Part 1)

Version Control for ExpressionEngine Using Git (Part 1)

08.24.09 by Ryan Masuga

ExpressionEngine and version control has always been a topic of interest to EE developers, but versioning an EE site can be tricky. This series of articles covers the basics of getting an EE site up and running under the Git version control system. In Part 1 I cover installing Git and setting up a local environment.

Using ExpressionEngine’s Built-In HTTP Authentication to Restrict Access During Development

Using ExpressionEngine’s Built-In HTTP Authentication to Restrict Access During Development

03.20.09 by Ryan Masuga

You can restrict access to an ExpressionEngine site under development with template access restrictions by User Group. But what if you need to test logged-in and logged-out status, and different member levels? We show you how to easily restrict your dev area and still test member-related conditionals on your templates with a Dev User Group and EE’s HTTP Authentication.

Creating a Custom Fieldtype for ExpressionEngine With FieldFrame

Creating a Custom Fieldtype for ExpressionEngine With FieldFrame

03.12.09 by Ryan Masuga

FieldFrame is a “framework for rapid development of Fieldtype extensions” for ExpressionEngine. We decided to see exactly what that means by creating a new jQuery Color Picker custom field extension based on FieldFrame, and explain how it was done.

Modify Solspace’s Tag Module To Show a Clickable List of Links

Modify Solspace’s Tag Module To Show a Clickable List of Links

02.23.09 by Ryan Masuga

Solspace’s Tag Module has an incredibly large, unused area below the tag entry field. See how to turn that area into a clickable list of links.

Robust and Clean ExpressionEngine Field Instructions with jQuery in the Control Panel

01.19.09 by Ryan Masuga

ExpressionEngine’s field instructions are a fantastic way to give your user all the information they need to effectively manage their content—but your notes may get lengthy and clutter up the Publish and Edit pages. With jQuery in the control panel it is easy to toggle extended instructions, and devot:ee will show you how.

Flexible JavaScript and CSS File Inclusion for ExpressionEngine with embeds and PHP

01.13.09 by Ryan Masuga

How to use an embed and a little PHP to create an easy, flexible way to include global scripts or stylesheets, and also allow for adding links to extra files on a per-template basis.

Fix-It-Yourself Extensions, or The Field Formatting Fiasco

01.08.09 by Tim Kelty

ExpressionEngine 1.6.5+ made a significant change to the typography class so that many custom field extensions broke. Here are some simple instructions that can help you avoid broken templates.