VZ Range


Eli Van Zoeren

3rd Party (Free)

506 downloads (last 90 days)

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Download v1.0.2

EE Version Support

  • ExpressionEngine 2


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  • jQuery for the Control Panel

Add-On Type(s)



A numeric range fieldtype for Expression Engine 2. Output just the minimum and maximum, or every step in between.

A numeric range fieldtype for Expression Engine 2. Also works as a Matrix cell-type.

Template Tags

Single Tags

{range_field [precision="0"] [separator="-"] [steps="no"] [reverse="no"]}

Outputs the range, using the options specified. If you do not include any parameters, the range will look like 5-15. The precision parameter overrides the global setting for the number of decimal places to use. the separator parameter specifies the string that will appear between each number (EE strips spaces from parameters, unfortunately, so you will need to use   in place of normal spaces.) Set steps=“yes” to output every number between the minimum and maximum. The steps will be created according to the precision setting. Finally, reverse=“yes” will cause the range to be output in reverse order.


Output just the minimum or maximum number.


Download and unzip the archive. Upload the vz_range folder to /system/expressionengine/third_party/.

Download VZ Range

EE Support Downloads Add-On Version Release Date
Not Specified Download 1.0.2 Jul 19, 2012

This entry was created April 9, 2012, 10:16 am.
This entry was last updated July 14, 2014, 9:48 pm.

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