VMG Nested


Andrew Kaslick - Vector Media Group

3rd Party (Free)

559 downloads (last 90 days)

Download v1.0

EE Version Support

  • ExpressionEngine 2


If an item is crossed out, it might be untested, not applicable or incompatible. Contact the developer to be sure.

  • Updater
  • Multi Site Manager
  • Stand Alone Entry Form
  • Low Variables
  • Content Elements
  • Better Workflow
  • Matrix
  • Grid
  • Webservice
  • Publisher


  • jQuery for the Control Panel

Add-On Type(s)



An extremely flexible plugin for ExpressionEngine that allows for more flexibility when nesting any module and plugin tags within others, including the ability to add variable prefixes to any tags. VMG Nested supports third party modules and plugins.

You can nest the same tag multiple times, with different parameter prefixes on each level.

One of many uses for this is allowing exp:channel:entries tags to be nested inside of each other without the need for embeds.


  • Add the vmg_nested folder to system/expressionengine/third_party
  • Check that it shows in the control panel Plugins list


For best results, use the prefix=’‘ parameter to avoid collisions. You can use the other module or plugin tag as you normally would, but instead of starting the tag name {exp:, start it with {exp:vmg_nested:.

For instance, let’s say you want to nest an {exp:channel:entries} tag inside another one. Use the outside one as normal, and then inside use something like {exp:vmg_nested:channel_entries prefix=‘inner’} (with any prefix you’d like).

{exp:channel:entries channel="news"}
        {exp:vmg_nested:channel:entries channel="blog" prefix="blog"}

                {if blog:no_results}{redirect="404"}{/if}

        {!-- Third Party Modules. All tag parameters from the original
                module tag can be used. --}

        {!-- Example: Solspace Tag. "marker" is one of the Tag module's parameters. --}
        {exp:vmg_nested:tag:entries prefix="tag_entry" marker="department"}

        {!-- Example: Profile:Edit module --}
        {exp:vmg_nested:profile:view member_id="{author_id}" prefix="author" parse="inward"}
                {exp:ce_img:single src="{author:cf_profile_image}" max_width="70" max_height="70"}


“I’ve used it and it is definitely 5 stars”
Vector Media Group - Stands next to the author all day


We’ve tested this with a number of third party addons and haven’t found any issues, but let us know if you find anything it doesn’t work with. It’d be helpful to supply relevant version numbers.

VMG Nested requires ExpressionEngine 2.5.0+ and PHP 5.3+.


There’s no warranty of any kind. If you find a bug, please report it or submit a pull request with a fix. It’s provided completely as-is; if something breaks, you lose data, or something else bad happens, the author(s) and owner(s) of this add-on are in no way responsible.

This add-on is owned by Vector Media Group, Inc. You can modify it and use it for your own personal or commercial projects, but you can’t redistribute it.

Download VMG Nested

EE Support Downloads Add-On Version Release Date
Not Specified Download 1.0 Dec 11, 2013

VMG Nested Links

This entry was created December 11, 2013, 4:49 pm.
This entry was last updated December 12, 2013, 5:34 am.

Disclaimer: Information about ExpressionEngine add-ons is provided as a service to you, the user, and every member of the ExpressionEngine community. devot:ee is not responsible if you hose, mangle, wreck, or otherwise destroy your EE website by installing an add-on that you found out about at this site, regardless of its rating, Favorites status, commercial or free status, or general popularity. Caveat EEmptor!

Returns: devot:ee has a 30-day return policy on all commercial add-ons sold through devot-ee.com. If you need to return an add-on, do not go to the developer or the developer's site, but rather visit our returns page at https://devot-ee.com/returns to initiate your return. If you have questions, email support@devot-ee.com.

3 Reviews:

Al Auad 11.04.15

Al Auad
Rating - {addon_rating_average}

Can’t believe I was not using it before, this is a problem solver. Thanks for this amazing piece of art.

Rene Merino 10.09.15

Rene Merino
Rating - {addon_rating_average}

This plugin solved in minutes what had me struggling for quite some time. Would give more stars if I could!

Steven Mercatante 02.01.14

Steven Mercatante
Rating - {addon_rating_average}

I love this plugin - it provides a simple and elegant solution to a complex problem, and has saved me from many headaches. This should be built into EE by default.