TBK System Prefs


Tim Kelty - Fusionary

3rd Party (Free)

EE Version Support

  • ExpressionEngine 1.x


If an item is crossed out, it might be untested, not applicable or incompatible. Contact the developer to be sure.

  • Updater
  • Multi Site Manager
  • Stand Alone Entry Form
  • Low Variables
  • Content Elements
  • Better Workflow
  • Matrix
  • Grid
  • Webservice
  • Publisher


  • jQuery for the Control Panel

Add-On Type(s)



An ExpressionEngine plugin that gives you access to all of EE's system preferences.

h3. Usage

bc. {exp:tbk_system_prefs}
  {system_folder}, {db_hostname}, {my_config_variable}

Inspired/lifted from the super replacements feature in “LG Add Sitename”:http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/extensions/lg-add-sitename/

You can use any config variable you define in config.php, as well as any of the following EE preference variables:

* {admin_session_type}
* {allow_avatar_uploads}
* {allow_dictionary_pw}
* {allow_extensions}
* {allow_member_localization}
* {allow_member_registration}
* {allow_multi_emails}
* {allow_multi_logins}
* {allow_signatures}
* {allow_username_change}
* 2.5.2
* {auto_assign_cat_parents}
* {auto_convert_high_ascii}
* {avatar_max_height}
* {avatar_max_kb}
* {avatar_max_width}
* {avatar_path}
* {avatar_url}
* {banishment_message}
* {banishment_type}
* {banishment_url}
* {banish_masked_ips}
* {banned_emails}
* {banned_ips}
* {banned_screen_names}
* {banned_usernames}
* {ban_action}
* {ban_destination}
* {ban_message}
* {captcha_font}
* {captcha_path}
* {captcha_rand}
* {captcha_require_members}
* {captcha_url}
* {censored_words}
* {censor_replacement}
* utf-8
* {cookie_domain}
* {cookie_path}
* {cookie_prefix}
* {cp_theme}
* {daylight_savings}
* {db_conntype}
* {db_hostname}
* {db_name}
* {db_password}
* {db_prefix}
* {db_type}
* {db_username}
* {debug}
* {default_member_group}
* {default_site_dst}
* {default_site_timezone}
* {deft_lang}
* {deny_duplicate_data}
* http://expressionengine.com/user_guide/
* {email_batchmode}
* {email_batch_size}
* {email_charset}
* {email_console_timelock}
* {email_debug}
* {email_module_captchas}
* {emoticon_path}
* {enable_avatars}
* {enable_censoring}
* {enable_db_caching}
* {enable_emoticons}
* {enable_image_resizing}
* {enable_photos}
* {enable_search_log}
* {enable_sql_caching}
* {enable_throttling}
* {encryption_type}
* {force_query_string}
* {gzip_output}
* {honor_entry_dst}
* {image_library_path}
* {image_resize_protocol}
* {include_seconds}
* {install_lock}
* {is_site_on}
* {is_system_on}
* {license_number}
* {lockout_time}
* {log_email_console_msgs}
* {log_referrers}
* {log_search_terms}
* {mailinglist_enabled}
* {mailinglist_notify_emails}
* {mailinglist_notify}
* {mail_format}
* {mail_protocol}
* {max_caches}
* {max_logged_searches}
* {max_page_loads}
* {max_referrers}
* {max_tmpl_revisions}
* {mbr_notification_emails}
* {memberlist_order_by}
* {memberlist_row_limit}
* {memberlist_sort_order}
* {member_theme}
* {multiple_sites_enabled}
* {name_of_dictionary_file}
* {new_member_notification}
* {new_posts_clear_caches}
* {new_version_check}
* {password_lockout_interval}
* {password_lockout}
* {photo_max_height}
* {photo_max_kb}
* {photo_max_width}
* {photo_path}
* {photo_url}
* {profile_trigger}
* {prv_msg_attach_maxsize}
* {prv_msg_attach_total}
* {prv_msg_auto_links}
* {prv_msg_html_format}
* {prv_msg_max_attachments}
* {prv_msg_max_chars}
* {prv_msg_upload_path}
* {publish_tab_behavior}
* {pw_min_len}
* {recount_batch_total}
* {redirect_method}
* {redirect_submitted_links}
* {remap_pm_dest}
* {remap_pm_urls}
* {require_ip_for_login}
* {require_ip_for_posting}
* {require_secure_passwords}
* {require_terms_of_service}
* {req_mbr_activation}
* {reserved_category_word}
* {save_tmpl_files}
* {save_tmpl_revisions}
* {secure_forms}
* {send_headers}
* {server_offset}
* {server_timezone}
* {show_queries}
* {sig_allow_img_hotlink}
* {sig_allow_img_upload}
* {sig_img_max_height}
* {sig_img_max_kb}
* {sig_img_max_width}
* {sig_img_path}
* {sig_img_url}
* {sig_maxlength}
* {sites_tab_behavior}
* {site_404}
* {site_description}
* {site_id}
* {site_label}
* devot:ee
* {site_pages}
* {site_short_name}
* https://devot-ee.com
* {smtp_password}
* {smtp_server}
* {smtp_username}
* {system_folder}
* {template_debugging}
* {theme_folder_path}
* https://devot-ee.com/assets/themes/
* {thumbnail_prefix}
* {time_format}
* {time_interval}
* {tmpl_file_basepath}
* {un_min_len}
* {user_session_type}
* {use_category_name}
* {use_membership_captcha}
* {weblog_nomenclature}
* info@devot-ee.com
* {webmaster_name}
* {word_separator}
* {word_wrap}
* {xml_lang}
* {xss_clean_uploads}

TBK System Prefs Links

This entry was created October 6, 2009, 11:50 am.
This entry was last updated October 6, 2009, 7:06 am.

Disclaimer: Information about ExpressionEngine add-ons is provided as a service to you, the user, and every member of the ExpressionEngine community. devot:ee is not responsible if you hose, mangle, wreck, or otherwise destroy your EE website by installing an add-on that you found out about at this site, regardless of its rating, Favorites status, commercial or free status, or general popularity. Caveat EEmptor!

Returns: devot:ee has a 30-day return policy on all commercial add-ons sold through devot-ee.com. If you need to return an add-on, do not go to the developer or the developer's site, but rather visit our returns page at https://devot-ee.com/returns to initiate your return. If you have questions, email support@devot-ee.com.

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