Extension, Fieldtype, Module


Zoo Visitor

ExpressionEngine 2

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Native member fields updated outside of ZV



I have a setup question that I’m sure will have been asked before, but google fails me! So i’ll describe:

I have some custom member fields that replicate the native fields, e.g {member_bio}

This reads and edits fine via the front end using {exp:zoo_visitor:details} and {exp:zoo_visitor:update_form}

If I edit via the CP zoo channel, it also updates the member fields as well.

However, if I update the fields via CP > Members > edit profile, the changes do not reflect back to the equivalent zoo fields.

Is it possible to achieve this 2-way sync?
Or is it best not to use the standard members edit fields if using Zoo as well?

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 1
ExpressionEngine Zoo


2 way sync is not possible, we usually only allow clients to access the channel and block the native member pages.


# 2

Fair enough. In which case I’ll use different zoo fields where possible to avoid confusion.

Thanks for the quick reply!

P.S. Though theoretically possible via member_update_start hook, no?

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 3
ExpressionEngine Zoo

yea, using that hook you could make it work