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Zoo Triggers

ExpressionEngine 2

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Pagination Broke in Zoo Triggers 1.2.1

Bug Report


Hi there,

I’ve just installed Zoo Triggers 1.2.1 (upgrading from 1.1.9) and noticed that the pagination seems to have broken in my blog and news sections.

Instead of the pagination links looking like this:/blog/category/behind-the-scenes/P10

They now look like this: /blog/P10

I suspect that this issue is down to the changes that were made after in this thread.

For info, here’s the pagination links code that I’ve been using for a while now, but which now breaks:

<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>



# 1

We seem to be running into this one too. 

EE 2.7
Zoo Triggers: 1.2.1
Structure version 3.3.12

# 2

For info, I’m using EE 2.5.5 and Structure 3.3.9.

I had to restore my database and roll back to the previous version of Zoo Triggers that I was using (1.1.9), before successfully upgrading to Zoo Triggers 1.2.0 (as I needed to add the filter by author ID feature to a site).

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 3
ExpressionEngine Zoo

Hi all,

We are sorry for the inconvenience, we rolled back the 1.2.1 release and are investigating the issue. You can just copy the 1.2.0 files over the 1.2.1 version to fix it. You can leave the version number 1.2.1 as we will increment the version number again with a new release.

Sorry again.


Brian M.
# 4
Brian M.

I think I might have run into this myself.  I did a big update of a site a couple days ago (EE 2.2—> 2.7,  Structure, etc.) and now pagination is broken throughout the site.  I’ve over-written Triggers 1.2.1 with the older 1.2, but pagination is still broken everywhere.  I’ve been looking at this for a day and a half and am really not sure where the problem lies.  Is 1.2 known to be good?  I’m rewriting things from scratch to try to figure out how to get Structure, Categories and Pagination working and not having much luck.

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 5
ExpressionEngine Zoo

Hi Brian,

We just released a new version (1.2.2) that should fix all pagination issues.


Solo Creative
# 6
Solo Creative

I have this issue in Zoo Triggers 1.2.3. My pagination should look like: www.mysite.com/videos/category/category_name/P4 but it looks like:

Any ideas why this might be happening??


ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 7
ExpressionEngine Zoo

Hi Stephen,

Sorry I only saw your reply now, but it’s better to start a new topic. Can you provide us the template code you are using. What version of EE do you have installed and which extensions do you have running.

As Zoo Triggers is completely relying on EE’s pagination it should work out of the box, it might be that another extension is blocking all the magic, or that you discover a bug.


Solo Creative
# 8
Solo Creative

OK, sorry, I just replied to this thread because people were having the same issue as me.

I am using ee v2.7.3, Structure, Transcribe and Zoo Triggers. I have two languages on my site at the mo. My template code is:

{exp:channel:entries channel="single_video" limit="8" dynamic="no" disable="member_data" paginate="bottom" paginate_base="{segment_1}/{segment_2}" {triggers:entries}}
div class="singleVideo">
h5><a href="{page_url}">{title}</a></h5>
div class="flex-video">
li><a href="{page_url}" class="siteButtonBlue">{exp:transcribe:replace name="more_information"<class="fa fa-arrow-right linkIcon"></i></a></li>
<div class="pagination-centered">
ul class="pagination">
{first_page}<li class="arrow"><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-first">&laquo;</a></li>{/first_page}
<li {if current_page}class="current"{/if}><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-{pagination_page_number} {if current_page}active{/if}">{pagination_page_number}</a></li>{/page}
<li class="arrow"><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-last">&raquo;</a></li>{/last_page}
