Fieldtype, Module


VZ URL extension

ExpressionEngine 1.x, ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3

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Using {field:field_name} syntax outputs JS but doesn’t do validation


Moly Yim
Moly Yim

I’m trying to get a VZ URL field to load within a Channel Form, using the syntax as specified above.

I just did a simple check via view source and it seems to be loading the correct resources — including the JS, but the CSS doesn’t seem to be loading at all.

Any ideas?

Eli Van Zoeren
# 1
Eli Van Zoeren

Sorry for the long delay in responding to this - I have been slammed at work and just had a chance to look at it.

The javascript binding was dependent on having a #mainContent wrapper div (which exists in the control panel, but probably not in your custom front-end code). I just pushed version 2.4.4, which binds directly to the document, so your markup won’t matter. Also, make sure you have jQuery >= 1.7 included (Channel Form should do this for you, unless you manually disable it).

Let me know if you have any more problems!