

VZ Picky

ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3

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Output one entry per tag

Support Request

Shan Ricciardi
Shan Ricciardi

This is a great little plugin. I am trying to use it for selecting color options for a product field. I am using a coma separated list to output the color option fields. This works great.
My problem is it vz picky is outputting every entry in my database. I would like it to output only one entry per product. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

<select name="os0">
{exp:vz_picky field="product_sizes"  value="product_sizes" separator="," placeholder="-- Choose a size --"}       
input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Color"
select name="os1">
{exp:vz_picky field="product_colors"  value="porduct_colors" separator="," placeholder="-- Choose a color --"}
Eli Van Zoeren
# 1
Eli Van Zoeren

Hey Shan,

I’m not sure I understand exactly what you’re trying to do. You want a different list of colors for each product, as entered in a custom field? If so, that’s not really what VZ Picky is designed for. You might be better off looking at something like

Or maybe I am misunderstanding entirely…...

Shan Ricciardi
# 2
Shan Ricciardi

Hi Van, Your right. I think I am using VZ Picky in the wrong manner. I do not need any further support.
I was able to accomplish processing a coma separated list in my template with the PHP explode function. I will take a look at wb-explode too. Thanks for your quick response.