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Undefined index: email



I’m receiving the following errors after submitting a Freeform with the Subscriber tag:

Undefined index: email
user/addons/subscriber/ext.subscriber.php, line 191 show details

Severity: E_NOTICE
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ee/legacy/core/Exceptions.php:115)
ee/legacy/libraries/Functions.php, line 438 hide details
Severity: E_WARNING

I’m using EE 3.4.2, Subscriber 5.1.3, and Freeform Pro 5.0.4.

I’m passing the information required for Subscriber via hidden fields within the Freeform:

{exp:subscriber:form form_id="1"}
<input type="hidden" name="first_name" value="{member_first_name}">
input type="hidden" name="last_name" value="{member_last_name}">
input type="hidden" name="email" value="{email}">

When I look at my source code, the values are filled in with the appropriate data. Any ideas?


# 1

So this is inside of a Freeform form? If so this should be working and I don’t see any bugs off the bat. Any chance you could email me the CP and FTP credentials so I could poke around? If so, email me at wes at wesbaker dot com.

# 2

So this is funny. I was emailing you all the info and I was creating a test page for you as well. In setting up the test, I made a duplicate Freeform. I then added the fields for first name, last name and email to that Freeform, which I didn’t have on the original form. I wasn’t collecting that in the freeform itself. I thought I could just pass those variables in as hidden input fields even if those fields didn’t exist in Freeform. It looks like that was what was throwing the error. Hope this helps someone else in the future!