

Stand-Alone Member Edit

ExpressionEngine 1.x, ExpressionEngine 2

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avatar support?


Ryan Vosburg
Ryan Vosburg

Don’t think so but figured i’d ask anyway. Is there plans in the future for avatar support? Would be great to allow users to change avatars. Or should I look into solspace’s user module? I really don’t need any of the inbox, messaging features just the ability to edit screen names and avatars.

Yuri Salimovskiy
# 1
Yuri Salimovskiy

There are no plans for avatar support.
But if you have only avatar enabled (no photo or signature image), you can add that yourself.
In the end of function process(), just before

$site_name = ($PREFS->item('site_name') == '') ? $LANG->line('back') : stripslashes($PREFS->item('site_name')); 


//update photo
if (isset($_FILES['userfile']))
$upload $this->EE->members->upload_member_images('avatar'$this->EE->session->userdata('member_id'));

Note that your input in the form should be named ‘userfile’, not ‘avatar’