

SEO Lite

ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3, ExpressionEngine 4

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Suggested improvement - use as a tag pair


Mark Croxton
Mark Croxton

Great add-on!

But - I would prefer to use as a tag pair:

{exp:seo_lite entry_id="{entry_id}"}
<meta name="keywords" content="{meta_keywords}" />
meta name="description" content="{meta_description}" />

To make seo lite work as a tag pair this look for this line in mod.seo_lite.php (around line 92):

$tagdata $seolite_entry->template

And change to:

$tagdata $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata;
if ( empty(
$tagdata) )

Why bother? Because I can then capture the values and reuse elsewhere in my templates, eg:

{exp:seo_lite entry_id="{entry_id}" parse="inward"}

Now I can output anywhere with {exp:stash:get name=“meta_keyword”} and {exp:stash:get name=“meta_description”}

Bjørn Børresen
# 1
Bjørn Børresen

Cheers for that, I will add it to the next release :)


Danny Veiga
# 2
Danny Veiga

Hey Mark,

This worked great, exactly what I was looking for - thanks!