


ExpressionEngine 2

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Missing Features?

Bug Report


Hey Iain,

These fields work:

Display Label - the button label for selecting the template
Thumb Filename - eg, 3_col.png

This field does not show:

Publisher Notes - Some optional notes for your publishers which appear directly below the thumbnail preview if it exists

If I search through the code for the language key: publisher_notes, it is not found anywhere in the code. So I’m assuming that there is some kind of update that needs to be made to the version stored here on devotee.

Also, line 96 of field.php has the width and height hard-coded to 82px and 86px respectively, which is much smaller than the thumbnail shown in the devot-ee screenshot which is about 200 x 160 (roughly)

Is there an updated version? If so, can you please load it up? If not, let me know, and I’ll just write those features into my local install.

Thanks, -Newton