Accessory, Module



ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3, ExpressionEngine 4

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How does this work on EE3?


Erwin Heiser
Erwin Heiser

Feeling like a total noob again… installed this on my EE3 sandbox install on Mamp and the only screen I can access is one where it’s asking for a site token? Is this mandatory now?

Ben Kohl
# 1
Ben Kohl

The EE3 version of Lamplighter only benefits developers with paid Lamplighter accounts due to the removal of accessories in EE3. We’ve considered converting the add-on updates list accessory into a module page or trying to alter the native installed add-ons listing page. We need to look into this further.

Erwin Heiser
# 2
Erwin Heiser

Ben, thanks for clearing that up. Cheers!

# 3

Now that EE 3 is pretty stable with many more supported plugins, I would really like to see this become useful again. A separate module page would be more useful than the current nothing.

Ben Kohl
# 4
Ben Kohl

If you have v1.4.0 of the Lamplighter add-on, there is a module page for EE3 that replicates the EE2 accessory.

# 5

Thanks for the quick response. That works perfectly.