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Postmark non-secure endpoints?

Support Request

Jason Morehead
Jason Morehead

I recently received the following message from Postmark:

We have identified a small number of customers accessing non-secure endpoints when using their Postmark account. We believe your account is included in that list, so we wanted to reach out and ask for some more details. Would you happen to be familiar with what endpoints you use to access your Postmark account and its functionality? Or would you be able to run an audit to get this information?

Given that all I’ve entered for EE is a Postmark API Key, how would I go about verifying whether or not I’m using a non-secure endpoint?

Derek Hogue
# 1
Derek Hogue

I’ll be releasing an update soon to address this.

Derek Hogue
# 2
Derek Hogue

An update (1.4.1) is available now that addresses this.

Paul Larson
# 3
Paul Larson

Derek: does this apply to EE2 version?

Derek Hogue
# 4
Derek Hogue

Yes, the download contains updated Postmark code for all versions.