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2-way Relay Email?



Hi, I’m exploring the functionality of Escort as it relates to a service such as Mandrill. I understand that Mandrill offers 2-way relay email similar to craigslist.org which lets users contact each other using anonymous email addresses managed by the email server. I admit I’m in a little over my head here but I’m trying to determine if Escort is capable to interface with any of the supported email services to add this functionality to EE. Bottom line, I want to allow users on a site to contact each other is an anonymous manner. Any insight would be appreciated.

Derek Hogue
# 1
Derek Hogue

Escort doesn’t have any support for this per-se, but it would play well with a system that did this. Escort simply passes complete email messages to whatever service you choose - what the to and from addresses are is determined before Escort comes into play.

You could use the escort_pre_send hook to modify these addresses, but my guess is that if you were building a system to allow people to contact each other with anonymous email addresses, you’d be generating those random and unique email addresses before that anyway. This post gives a quick and simple overview of how that system would work.