

devot:ee Monitor

ExpressionEngine 2

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Incorrect last_check time in ee 2.6.1

Support Request


The last_check line shows incorrect time in ee version 2.6.1.

date('l, M. j, Y @ g:ia.'$last_check

Shows: Thursday, Jun. 20, 2013 @ 2:44pm.

In the above code, $last_check is 1371750247 which is Thursday, Jun. 20, 2013 @ 5:44pm GMT.
and for me as it should shows: Thursday, Jun. 20, 2013 @ 8:44pm GMT+3.

For testing, I tried to output that line in PHP enabled template and it showed the correct time!

My config settings:

Ben Kohl
# 1
Ben Kohl

The add-on isn’t factoring in timezones to determine how the date should be output, nor is it using EE’s localize class. The timestamp comes from the file time of the cache file which depends on server time. I’m running EE 2.6.1 and I see the correct time for the last check but that is because the server time matches the timezone I am in.

We can switch it over to use the localize class in a future release so it uses the timezone set in the config.