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CE Tweet

ExpressionEngine 2

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CE Tweet behind a VPN Network

Support (Resolved)


Hi aaron,

I had to transfer a site behind a VPN network, and now CE tweet and other add-ons that connect to the outer world have stopped working.

I already had contact with the instagram picpuller add-on dev. and he told me that I would need a proxie server to make it work again:

did you have this situation already?
would you be able to help me with this?
I don’t mind if I have to pay you for doing it since it’s outside the usual support scheme. I just want it to work, and I think you’re the best man for the job :)

please let me know what you think.

Causing Effect - Aaron Waldon
# 1
Causing Effect - Aaron Waldon

Hi o4!

This would be difficult for me to test, since I’m not running anything behind a VPN. Since you already know which cURL options are working for the other add-on you’re adding VPN support to, you should be able to add those same options where needed to the CE Tweet classes.

You’ll probably want to do a search for ‘curl_init’ in the CE Tweet files, and look were the other ‘curl_setopt’ options are being set. Add the cURL options that you need where necessary, and that may resolve the issue.

Please let me know how that goes. :)

# 2

hi, so it was THAT easy!

so I’ve changed this “third_party/ce_tweet/library/EpiTwitter.php” file:

private function request_basic$method$endpoint$params null$username null$password null )
$this->getApiUrl$endpoint );
  if ( 
$method === 'GET' )
.= is_null$params ) ? '' '?' http_build_query$params'''&' );
curl_init$url );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:' ) );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFERtrue );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_TIMEOUT$this->requestTimeout );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST$method );

// CURLOPT_PROXY should be set to the IP address and port of the proxy you are using instead of 12.345.67.89:12345
curl_setopt($chCURLOPT_PROXY'XXX myproxie XXX');
// Change 'username' to your username and 'password' to your password. If you don't have a username/password, your proxy might not require it and you can comment out the following line
 // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password');

if ( $method === 'POST' && $params !== null )
if ( $this->isMultipart$params ) )
$chCURLOPT_POSTFIELDS$this->buildHttpQueryRaw$params ) );
if ( !empty( $username ) && !empty( $password ) )

= new EpiTwitterJsonEpiCurl::getInstance()->addCurl$ch ), $this->debug );
  if ( !
$this->isAsynchronous )

return $resp;

and this in the “third_party/ce_tweet/library/EpiAuth.php”:

protected function curlInit$url )
curl_init$url );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFERtrue );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_HTTPHEADER$this->headers );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_TIMEOUT$this->requestTimeout );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT$this->connectionTimeout );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_ENCODING'' );
  if ( 
$this->followLocation && ! ini_get'safe_mode' ) && ! ini_get'open_basedir' ) ) //safe_mode and open_basedir conditionals added by Aaron Waldon on 04-16-2012 to prevent errors on some hosts (like Engine Hosting)
/* Removed on 01/18/2013 by Aaron Waldon, since it was causing issues for several people
  if ( isset( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] ) && $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] != '' )
   curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] );

// CURLOPT_PROXY should be set to the IP address and port of the proxy you are using instead of 12.345.67.89:12345
curl_setopt($chCURLOPT_PROXY'XXX myproxie XXX');
// Change 'username' to your username and 'password' to your password. If you don't have a username/password, your proxy might not require it and you can comment out the following line
 // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password');

  //if the certificate exists then use it, else bypass ssl checks
if ( file_exists$cert dirname__FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 'ca-bundle.crt' ) )
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEERtrue );
curl_setopt$chCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOSTfalse );
return $ch;

and it seems to work! OMG!

but I am not sure about the position of these new lines.
do you think they are ok there?

btw: it’s ce_tweet 1.3.6 and ExpressionEngine 2.6.1

I guess I’ll have to do the same with ce_image?

cheers and thanks a lot for pointing me into the right direction!

Causing Effect - Aaron Waldon
# 3
Causing Effect - Aaron Waldon

Nice. :) It looks fine. Glad it’s working.