Extension, Module


CE Cache

ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3

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Possible bug in cache breaking via paths option

Support Request


We have a case where we need to clear the cache of a specific page, and not its child pages when an entry in a channel is saved. After quite a bit of debugging and realizing that I just can’t put in

because the cache drivers (Redis in our case) adds a /* to the end so it searches for all children, which is not very intuitive. It was only after looking through the source code that I realized I could use a regex, so I came up with this

, which almost works, except the following lines do not strip out the first #. I believe the following change should be made:

line 557 of Ce_cache_break.php

$sub_path substr$pathstrlen$type ) + );
$sub_path rtrim($sub_path'#'); //trim the #'s
$sub_path str_replace('#''\#'$sub_path); 


$sub_path substr$pathstrlen$type ) + );
$sub_path str_replace('#'''$sub_path); 

Stripping all of the # is what is required for the regex to work, b/c later on around line 607 its adding them back when in the preg_match call.