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Seems to be Incompatible with SafeCracker Parameters

Bug Report

Curtis Blackwell
Curtis Blackwell

I was using Catchall with a contact form and just had the one Catchall field with Name, Email, Subject, and Message subfields. This collected data without any issues.

However, when I tried using the dynamic_title param, it wouldn’t work. I created a regular text input, and had no problems.

Then, I tried using rules:catchall[subfield] = “required|valid_email” and would just get a Disallowed Key Characters error. Changed all subfields to regular text inputs and a textarea and had no problems.

Rob Sanchez
# 1
Rob Sanchez

This is gonna be true of any multi-input field, such as Matrix and Catchall. SafeCracker does not have the ability to target “subfields” in either dynamic title or rules. Not a bug.

Curtis Blackwell
# 2
Curtis Blackwell

Well, alright then. Thanks.