Extension, Fieldtype, Module

NavEE for ExpressionEngine 2


The Outfit

3rd Party (Commercial)

EE Version Support

  • ExpressionEngine 2

NavEE for ExpressionEngine 2 Commercial License

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All ExpressionEngine add-ons created and maintained by The Outfit, Inc. (henceforth referred to as The Outfit Add-ons) are for use with an ExpressionEngine content managed website, with a single domain name. All The Outfit Add-ons can be used with as many subdomains as necessary.

In the case of an ExpressionEngine installation using the ExpressionEngine Multiple Site Manager (MSM), this license is good for multiple installations, assuming the content controlled therein is for use with a single domain name. If the ExpressionEngine MSM is being used with multiple domain names, a separate license will be needed for each domain.

If you have any questions with regards to licensing The Outfit Add-ons, please contact support@fromtheoutfit.com.

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