
Add-ons that start with the letter E, run on ExpressionEngine 2 and are sorted by Entry Date.

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Embed video

Fresh (Peter Lewis)

ExpressionEngine 2

Embed video is a fieldtype for ExpressionEngine that will give your clients and editors a possibility to add Youtube videos or Flash videos on the publish page.

Added March 20, 2013.

Editorial Calendar

Glenn Jacobs

ExpressionEngine 2

Manage your posts with ease with this calendar schedule. You can see all posts for the month, week or day. Click to edit a post and even drag them around to change their date and time.

Added March 19, 2013.

Entry Trash

Rein de Vries

ExpressionEngine 2

Entry Trash is a Extension that will move an entry upon deletetion to the trash, with all their associated data. From here you can view the entries and you can restore or delete the entries entirely from the database. By using the Entry Trash, you will never lose your entry data entirely or accidentally by deleting.

Added March 18, 2013.

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Click Rain

ExpressionEngine 2

ExpressionEngine Twitter is a Twitter plugin that enabled outputting a Twitter feed in a template without using Twitter's javascript timeline components. Customize the feed as much as you want. Style it how you like. Make Twitter work with your website.

Added March 7, 2013.

Extract Image

Yuri Salimovskiy (IntoEEtive)

ExpressionEngine 2

This plugin parses anything that's between its opening and closing tags and returns URLs for images in <img> html tags that are found in the text.

Added February 28, 2013.

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Isaac Raway (Airways)

ExpressionEngine 2

Explode splits a given string by a given separator and provides two modes for using the resulting values.

Added February 28, 2013.

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Derek Hogue (Amphibian Design)

ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3, ExpressionEngine 4, ExpressionEngine 5, ExpressionEngine 6

Let your site's email get sent by the pros! Escort seamlessly routes all emails generated by your site through a bevy of third-party transactional email services, all using their HTTP APIs.

Added February 27, 2013.

  • tags:


24here (24here)

ExpressionEngine 2

Enhancer - an accessory that allows you to improve the administrative panel.

Added January 15, 2013.

EE Debug Toolbar

mithra62 (Eric Lamb)

ExpressionEngine 2

Adds an unobtrusive interface for debugging output on an ExpressionEngine 2.0 site. Replaces default Profiler and Template Debugger provided with ExpressionEngine.

Added November 14, 2012.

eedfw Geoplugin

ExpressionEngine DFW

ExpressionEngine 2

This add-on returns a user's geolocation information via the GeoPlugin service.

Added November 1, 2012.


Jesse Bunch

ExpressionEngine 2

EEException is a handy add-on for ExpressionEngine that allows template developers (via a plugin) and add-on developers (via an extension hook) to report exceptions to Airbrake or Codebase where they can be more appropriately tracked.

Added November 1, 2012.

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Trevor Davis

ExpressionEngine 2

Display which environment you are on at all times in the CP so you don't accidentally do something bad on the production environment.

Added October 18, 2012.

Easy PW Change


ExpressionEngine 2

Make password changes easy for users with limited Control Panel access.

Added September 17, 2012.

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  • 4 Favs

Export Members

Drez Design

ExpressionEngine 2

Export member registration data and custom fields to an Excel spreadsheet or CSV.

Added September 13, 2012.


Jean-Francois Paradis

ExpressionEngine 2

Display a text summary based on a given number of words or a given number of characters.

Added September 6, 2012.



ExpressionEngine 2

Welcome to the world's most beautiful and easy-to-use WYSIWYG html editor. DevDemon's Editor for ExpressionEngine uses Redactor to deliver a clean, light and overall amazing experience to all of your text fields. Editor works as a WYSIWYG for default fields, matrix fields, Low Variables and category descriptions. Upload Images and Files to your content with jQuery ease.

Added August 30, 2012.

Entry Notifier

Tom Jaeger (EE Harbor)

ExpressionEngine 2

Entry Notifier was created by developer am-impact and handed over to Low. It is no longer available. For all your notification needs, try MX Notify Control.

Added August 20, 2012.


Matt Nichoslon

ExpressionEngine 2

Wrap :nth entries in specific markup or add a class

Added July 20, 2012.



ExpressionEngine 2

Provides variable escaping for SQL or HTML output

Added July 18, 2012.

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Entry ID Search

Punch Buggy

ExpressionEngine 2

Provides users with a small form to search channels for a specific entry_id. Limits choice of channels and results based on their channel privileges.

Added July 9, 2012.

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  • 2 Favs

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