BMS URL Change


Ben Martin

3rd Party (Free)

7 downloads (last 90 days)

GNU General Public License v3 Download v0.2

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  • ExpressionEngine 2


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Ever wanted to change the pagination segment in your URLs from P# to a page number? This plugin makes it a breeze.

Ever wanted to change the pagination segment in your URLs from P# to a page number? This plugin makes it a breeze.


By default, when ExpressionEngine paginates a list of entries, it appends P# to the URL, where # is the number by which the entries to be shown are offset. Now, you can have a page number appended to the URL instead. So with 20 entries per page, the following URLs would change from:




This plugin makes it really easy to achieve this. All that you need to do is insert the tag into your template in two locations:

  1. Insert the {exp:bms_url_change pp=”“} tag (no closing tag) right before your {exp:channel:entries} tag. The pp= parameter reflects the number of entries per page; this must match the limit= parameter on the {exp:channel:entries} tag pair.
  3. Wrap the {exp:bms_url_change:link pp=”“}...{exp:bms_url_change:link} tag pair around the {paginate} tag pair. As above, the pp= parameter reflects the number of entries per page; this must match the limit= parameter on the {exp:channel:entries} tag pair.

This plugin will also add a trailing slash to all links, so if you want to prevent that, set the slash parameter, like so: {exp:bms_url_change:link pp=“20” slash=“no”}

But what if you wanted the pagination url to be /page-2 rather than just /2? All you need to do is include the pbase= parameter in every instance of the {exp:bms_url_change} tag and the {exp:bms_url_change:link}...{/exp:bms_url_change:link} tag pair. To set the pagination base to page-, simply set pbase=“page-”.

For example, with 20 blog entries showing per page, this is how you would change the pagination links from /P20, /P40, etc. to /2, /3, etc. The code used inside the {paginate} tag pair is taken straight from the EE docs on pagination.

{exp:bms_url_change pp="20"}

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" limit="20" paginate="both"}

{!-- insert the paginate tag pair --}
{if total_pages > 1}
{exp:bms_url_change:link pp="{lv_se_perpage}"}
<div class="pagination">
                        <li><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-first">First</a></li>

                        <li><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-previous">Previous</a></li>

                        <li><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-{pagination_page_number} {if current_page}active{/if}">{pagination_page_number}</a></li>

                        <li><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-next">Next</a></li>

                        <li><a href="{pagination_url}" class="page-last">Last</a></li>
 {!-- display the entry --}
 <div class="entry">

I am working on an extension to make Step #2 (wrapping the tag pair around all links in the paginate tag pair) redundant, but for now it will have to do.


Version 0.2; 10/01/2012

  • Made exp:bms_url_change:link tag easier to use.
  • Trailing slash added to links; can be disabled.
  • Fixed bug with odd number of entries per page

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Not Specified Download 0.2

BMS URL Change Links

This entry was created January 6, 2012, 10:41 am.
This entry was last updated January 9, 2012, 9:08 pm.

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1 Review:

SaraT 01.08.12

Rating - {addon_rating_average}

Love the idea! However, it needs some work. As of v0.1, it will only paginate correctly if you use it with limit=“any even number”. With odd numbers it links to fractions of a pagination page like If that’s fixed and the tags were more simple to use, it’d be 5/5.