Top Categories



3rd Party (Commercial)

EE Version Support

  • ExpressionEngine 1.x
  • ExpressionEngine 2


If an item is crossed out, it might be untested, not applicable or incompatible. Contact the developer to be sure.

  • Updater
  • Multi Site Manager
  • Stand Alone Entry Form
  • Low Variables
  • Content Elements
  • Better Workflow
  • Matrix
  • Grid
  • Webservice
  • Publisher


  • jQuery for the Control Panel

Add-On Type(s)



The Top Categories plugin displays a list of the top categories, i.e. of categories into which more entries are posted than in other categories.


1) limit - Optional. Allows you to specify hown many top categories should be dispayed.
Default value is “3”.

2) site - Optional. Allows you to specify site id number. Default value is “1”.

3) weblog (for EE v1.x) - Optional. Use it to specify weblog name.
Pipeline character and “not” are supported.

4) channel (for EE v2.0+) - Optional. Use it to specify channel name.
Pipeline character and “not” are supported.

5) category_id - Optional. Allows you to specify which categories should be dispayed.
Pipeline character and “not” are supported.

6) group_id - Optional. Allows you to specify category group id number
(the id number of each category group is displayed in the Control Panel).
Pipeline character and “not” are supported.

7) status - Optional. Allows you to specify status of entries.
You can stack statuses using pipe character to get entries
having any of those statuses, e.g. status=“open|draft”. Or use “not”
(with a space after it) to exclude statuses,
e.g. status=“not submitted|processing|closed”.

8) count_expired - Optional. If you want that expired entries should be counted, set
the value of this parameter to “yes”. Default value is “no”.

9) $lowest_level_only - Optional. If set to “yes”, then only those categories will be displayed,
which have no children. Default value is “no”.


1) top_cats_cat_id - outputs category id number.

2) top_cats_cat_name - outputs category name.

3) top_cats_cat_image - outputs URL of category image.

4) top_cats_group_id - outputs category group id.

5) top_cats_parent_id - outputs id of parent category.

6) top_cats_cat_url_title - outputs category URL title.

7) top_cats_cat_description - outputs category desciption.

8) top_cats_entries_number - outputs number of entries posted into category.


Use this plugin as folllows:

{exp:top_categories limit="5" weblog="not common|blog" category_id="not 6|52|178|54|169" group_id="3|45" status="open|draft" count_expired="yes"}
Category name: {top_cats_cat_name}, entries number: {top_cats_entries_number}, category id: {top_cats_cat_id}, parent category id: {top_cats_parent_id}, cat_url_title: {top_cats_cat_url_title}, group id: {top_cats_group_id}<br><br>

Top Categories Links

This entry was created August 13, 2009, 8:52 am.
This entry was last updated April 2, 2011, 3:04 am.

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