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Zoo Visitor

ExpressionEngine 2

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Members not staying logged in to front-end



I have a client site with users that log in to the front-end to be able to see content. I’m using ZV for login and member management.

The problem: on my ZV login form I have a “Remember me” checkbox, but it seems that even when this is checked, users get automatically logged-out after about a day.

I’m not certain if the issue is with Zoo Visitor or with EE. I’m running EE 2.7.3, and I have “Cookies Only” selected for User Session Type in Security and Sessions Preferences. I’m running ZV version 1.3.31.

Any ideas? I’ve searched everywhere but haven’t found any solutions.

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 1
ExpressionEngine Zoo


Can you test with the normal login form? https://ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/add-ons/member/#login-form-tag


# 2

It seems that logging in using the normal EE login form keeps users logged in, at least for the last day or so.

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 3
ExpressionEngine Zoo

that’s good to know, will have a look at it. Is it okay to presume you’re all set for now?

# 4

I presume it’s okay to use the EE login form and still use ZV for registrations and letting members change their account info? I don’t particularly need to use the ZV login form for any reason, correct?

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 5
ExpressionEngine Zoo

100% correct