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Is the login return url parameter relative?

Support Request


The login return parameter isn’t supposed to be relative is it? For example:

login form is on x.local/test/misc
return parameter is return=“site/index”
after login you end up at:  x.local/test/site/index

The form source is (in part):

<form method="post" action="http://x.local/test/misc"  >
div class='hiddenFields'>
input type="hidden" name="visitor_action" value="login" />
input type="hidden" name="RET" value="site/index" />... 

(tested on a page with no other elements other than the form)
ee 2.8.1 with zv 1.3.32 (local dev install)

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 1
ExpressionEngine Zoo

Is your site index set to “x.local/test/” ?  If you want to return to the site index, why not use return=”/”?

# 2

The site/index was just an example for the test. I get a smilier result for other templates, for example using return=“customer/account” goes to “x.local/test/customer/account”.

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 3
ExpressionEngine Zoo

Is your site root directory set to “x.local/test/” ? https://ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/cp/admin/general_configuration.html#url-to-the-root-directory-of-your-site
A return parameter without leading slash will always start from the root

# 4

“URL to the root directory of your site” set to http://x.local/ .
“test” is only a template group and not set in any config.

ExpressionEngine Zoo
# 5
ExpressionEngine Zoo

add a leading slash to your return parameter

# 6

Ok, that worked. Strange though because the registration form return parameter works without leading slash.