Fieldtype, Module


VZ URL extension

ExpressionEngine 1.x, ExpressionEngine 2, ExpressionEngine 3

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Undefined index: vz_url_limit_local

Bug Report


Looks like I’m seeing some php errors when I choose not to limit the url to internal links. I get two vz_url_limit_local errors looking at line 137 and 150 in vz_url/ft.vz_url.php.

Also getting a

“Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sgarcia5/public_html/hds/control/codeigniter/system/core/Exceptions.php:170

It looks like it’s only happening when vz_url is in a matrix field, I put it by itself and it doesn’t throw any errors.

Here are my specs:

EE 2.1.3
Matrix 2.2.1
VZ URL 2.1.0

I’m needing it to be in a matrix so they can choose to open it in a new windows as opposed to within the same page when linking to an outside site. Which would be a great feature in a future version so it wouldn’t need a matrix field.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Eli Van Zoeren
# 1
Eli Van Zoeren

The new version on GitHub should fix that problem.

You idea of an “open in new window” checkbox is interesting. It would require an increased scope of the fieldtype (outputting actual HTML rather than just the url), but I have been thinking about an expanded “Pro” version of VZ URL, and this may fit in there very well. I’ll definitely let you know if/when I get around to it.

# 2

Thanks for the reply, I downloaded the version off of devot:ee and also from your GitHub, they were named the same so I assumed the one on devot:ee was the correct version. I’ll install and check it out.

Thanks again for the quick reply!