Google Latlng Lookup


No Two The Same

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Download v1.1

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Geocode look up of Latitude and Longitude using Googles Geocode service for the CP. The fieldtype has 3 fields: one is editable for the address and the other two show the returned co-ordinates. All three fields or the combined co-ordinate is available. There's also a little map preview of the returned co-ordinates so the user can check if Google has found the right place!


Google Maps V3 is a great (mostly free) Maps service to use on your clients websites. This fieldtype was developed to overcome the requirements for Google Map’s markers.

Google Maps requires the Latitude and Longitude to place a marker. Generally people don’t know their position on the earth by this data! Handily Google also has geocoding to look up written address details and return the the Lat/Lng co-ordinates. It is possible to add a standard text area fieldtype to EE for the user to enter an address and then in the template use geocoding to find the Lat/Lng and then position a marker on the Map.

The problem with this approach is, if you had 20 markers to place on the map every page refresh will hit Geocode 20 times for the same data. This isn’t very efficient and could use up your usage limit. These co-ordinates should be stored for later usage. This fieldtype does the Geocode lookup in the CP so the Lat/Lng is stored in EEs database.

The fieldtype has 3 fields, 1 is editable for the address and the other 2 show the returned co-ordinates. All 3 fields or the combined co-ordinate is available.
There’s also a little map preview of the returned co-ordinates so the user can check if Googles found the right place! There’s Global Settings for default values every time the fieldtype is added to a field group and default settings at a field group level.


This fieldtype only uses Google Maps CP side so once you have the Lng/Lat you can use any mapping service front-end you like.

Technically this isn’t true,

The Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License Restrictions.

If you use this Fieldtype let me know! Twitter: ElliotLewis

GitHub Page



1. Add-ons -> Fieldtypes -> Google Maps Lat Lng Lookup -> Install]
2. The title (Google Maps Lat Lng Lookup) becomes a link, click to change the Global default.
3. Admin -> Channel Fields -> Add New Field.
4. Change the default settings for this Channel Field.

Template Tags

Eg. Assuming you’ve named your fieldtype ‘geo_address’ in step 4 above.

Outputs Latitude and Longitude comma separated for direct usage with Google Maps. 
Eg. 51.5077227,-0.1279623000000356

The address the user entered. In case you need to display that as well. 
Eg. Trafalgar Square, City of Westminster, WC2N 5DN

Just the Latitude. 
Eg. 51.5077227

Just the Longitude. 
Eg. -0.1279623000000356

Version History

1.1, 10/03/14
  - Data saved to DB as pipe delimited string, so added validation against address field containing | character.
1.0.3, 27/11/12
  - Altered validate method so empty values validate (thanks to Creative Lynx)
  - Added SafeCracker compatibility
1.0.2, 31/08/2012
  - Allowed fine tuning of co-ordinates by adjusting form values
1.0.1, 15/06/2012
  - Fixed silly error where I was directly accessing the LatLng object instead of using built in function to return the co-ordinates
  - Added more error feedback
  - Feedback on type of result returned, Eg. Approximate location
1.0, 12/06/2012
  1st release. Global and Channel Field default settings

Download Google Latlng Lookup

EE Support Downloads Add-On Version Release Date
Not Specified Download 1.1 Jun 12, 2012

This entry was created June 14, 2012, 11:54 am.
This entry was last updated March 10, 2014, 9:24 am.

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1 Review:

Giraffentoast 08.24.12

Rating - {addon_rating_average}

Awesome. Just upload, enable and that’s it. Not only does it return the coordinates - it also comes with a map. :D

Great work, guys!